*Nie-amptelike remix
Ek hoop hierdie lied bring wonderlike herinneringe terug, vir my is dit speel buite die huis as 'n onskuldige kind wat op 'n Vrydagaand om die huis fiets ry, ouers wat dit HARD speel en waarskynlik dans... Sokkie'ing.

Spring vorentoe na 2024.
Hierdie is my interpretasie van 'n klassieke, rus in vrede Theuns, ek wens ek kon 'n lewende vertoning gesien het...
Ek hoop hierdie lied bring al die EMOSIES terug. #GOOSEBUMPS

DJs - Stuur my 'n DM vir 'n aflaai.

*Unofficial remix.
I hope that this song brings back great memories, for me its playing outside the house as an innocent kid riding his bike around the house on a Friday evening, parents playing it LOUD and most probably dancing... Sokkie'ing.

Fast forward to 2024.
This is my take on a classic, RIP Theuns, i wish i could have seen a live show...
I hope that this song brings back all of the FEELS. #GOOSEBUMPS