She has problems of her own, lost her soul mate years ago ,
spends her nights at home alone , listens to the radio,
everyday seems like a struggle to survive, but one thing still makes her come alive ,
turns up the volume to block out the outside , and then she dances , she dances into the night.

She used to be a drinker thought it would help her to forget , all of her sadness and all of her regret ,
only to find she was getting no where , because in the morning all the memories were all still there.
All she has now is her radio ,she waits every night for her favourite show ,
turns up the volume to block out the outside , and then she dances , she dances into the night.

When she dances she has no cares all her worries just disappear, and certain songs always bring a tear,
it makes her think of when he was there
and as she sways from side to side lost in the music she closes her eyes , her mind goes back to way back
when, and it makes her feel that they're together again. When she dances, she dances into the night.

When she closes her eyes she can see his face , feels her hands on his shoulders , his arms around her waist
and it never fails to make her heart race when she dances .
She takes herself back to that old dance hall , lights bouncing off that big golden ball ,
it just takes her away from it all when she dances , when she dances into the night ,

Cause When she dances she has no cares all her worries just disappear, certain songs always bring a tear,
it makes her think of when he was there
and as she sways from side to side lost in the music she closes her eyes , her mind goes to way back
when, it makes her feel that they're together again. When she dances, when dances into the night.

When the music finally comes to an end she comes back down to the real world again. No one to talk to doesn't
have any friends she can call on,
she makes her way up to an empty bed , music still playing in her head ,
and dreams of a day when once again she'll dance with someone.