I always thought that love would come my way, good things always come to those that wait they say ,
but now , I think it may be getting too late , I feel i'm running out of time and nearing heavens gate.

So where where did it all go wrong , they say for everybody in this world there is someone.
So who , who was meant for me ? I guess every now and then it isn't meant to be.

The days and years are slipping by so fast, and I still can't find the love I need to last.
And I don't want to end this life a lone , just a sad old man rotting in an old folks home.

I've made it this far on my own , but i've spent too long living in this world alone ,
i'm getting tired of my own company, I wonder if this is how it will always be .

Although I know I could be wrong , you never know one day I could bump into someone,
someone just as lonely as me, and that some one just might be, my somebody.

I always thought that love would come my way, good things always come to those that wait they say ,
but now , I think it may be getting too late , I feel i'm running out of time and nearing heavens gate.