Absurd Appel Level 20 "Down and Up" Clear Video is here!!! Enjoy the Absurd Appel 20-Level Anniversary Update, it is released right now!

(video is copyrighted crying emoji)

Check it out here - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/640673038/

This level description is directly pulled from my update document lol: Anniversary Level. To reach the goal, Appel must travel its way to the bottom to obtain a key and make its way back up, with the aid of two blue blocks that have (almost) constant velocity, first falls, second rises, position indicated with background aestheticization. Through the course, besides dodging spiky obstacles, Appel has to move constantly in order to activate all the necessary triggers for the level to progress, as some areas become inaccessible elsewise, including the key. The course is the same but reused from bottom to top.

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