‘Dullsville and the Doodleverse’ premieres this September at The Toronto International Film Festival

Journey beyond the threshold of sanity! In the town of Dullsville, imagination has been monopolized by the sinister corporation Dream Pump Industries. Hap and his cat Mello try to fit into a life of dry toast brunches, cubicle labyrinths and monotonous efficiency. After a fateful incident involving a Dream Pump Industries delivery truck, the duo are plunged into the Doodleverse, a reality-shattering world where imagination holds no bounds - sometimes to dangerous extremes. Hap must overcome his self-doubt and harness his creativity to find a way home, but life in Dullsville will never be the same.

Music by Pharrell Williams
Directed by Burnt Toast
Produced by Goldenwolf

Lil Wayne
Lil Yachty
Coi Leray
Swae Lee

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